
Tarangire National Park
Popular For Its High Population Of Elephants

Tarangire is a spectacular ecosystem. This park is famous for its high density of elephants in Africa and its unique ancient  Baobab trees. The Tarangire River is the primary source of fresh water for wild animals. Its ecosystem is defined by the long-distance migration of wildebeest and zebras.

During the dry season, thousands of animals concentrate in Tarangire National Park from the surrounding wet-season dispersal and calving short grassy areas rich in minerals.

Tarangire covers an area of 2,616 square kilometers (1010 square miles). The landscape is composed of granitic ridges, river valley, and swamps. Vegetation is a mix of Acacia woodland, combretum woodland, seasonally flooded grassland, and Baobab savannas.

Common animals are elephants, zebras, wildebeests, buffaloes, mongooses, lions, leopards, cheetahs, caracal cats, honey badgers, oryx, kudus, gerenuks, African wild dogs, giraffes, Impalas, dik-diks, olive baboons, savanna monkeys, waterbucks, tree-climbing pythons, and many more. Silale and Gursi swamps are very important sources of water and green pastures for many animals during the dry season, where thousands of animals congregate to these magical swamps. Tarangire has more than 500 different species of birds. A Tarangire safari is a fascinating experience, it offers some of the best wildlife sightings in Tanzania, where guests spend up to 3 days exploring this iconic park.