Lake Manyara

Lake Manyara National Park
Popular For Hippopotamuses And Its Unusual Tree-Climbing Lions

This beautiful national park is situated between Lake Manyara and the Great Rift Valley. It offers a wilderness experience in diverse habitats, from its Rift Valley Soda Lake, evergreen forests, woodlands, and steep mountainsides. This park is famous for its unusual tree-climbing lions, big elephant herds, and many baboon troops.

The lake attracts many flamingos, pelicans, ducks, geese, herons, egrets, ibises, and many other aquatic birds. This park is a bird watchers' paradise, there are more than 300 different species of birds. There are many hippopotamuses, buffaloes, lions, baboons, vervet monkeys, blue monkeys, warthogs, impalas, bushbucks, giraffes, klipspringer, dik-diks, and many other animals.

A Lake Manyara safari is a fascinating experience, as the park also features hot springs called Maji Moto, and night safaris can be arranged.